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What is Codependency?

Relationships are supposed to be mutually beneficial where both parties support each other equally. Codependency is a term used to describe a dysfunctional relationship pattern where one person (the codependent) becomes reliant on another person (often someone struggling with addiction, mental health issues, or other problems) for their sense of self-worth and identity. The codependent becomes the caregiver and may sacrifice their own needs, desires, and boundaries to maintain the relationship.

8 Signs you might be codependent

Your days are full of worrying about other people.

You struggle with setting boundaries and holding other people accountable.

It is more comfortable to take care of others than to take care of yourself.

You often doubt yourself and your perceptions.

You fear rocking the boat and upsetting others.

You have trouble thinking about your needs/wants in a relationship.

You easily lose yourself in other peoples problems, dramas or needs.

You may have been raised by an alcoholic, narcissist or a non-nurturing caregiver..

Helping codependents create healthier lives and healthier relationships

Discover the intricacies of codependency through our codependency quiz. While there’s no single, clear-cut definition of codependency, it encompasses various traits commonly exhibited by individuals in such dynamics. Dive into the exploration of these traits with our quiz and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.

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What People Are Saying…

“Have you ever wondered why you can’t say no and overcommit yourself? Have you questioned what self care really means? The Codependent Doctor was a great fit for me. I found myself nodding my head to questions and feeling like all the points applied to me. It is nice to know I am not alone in feeling the way I do. Thank you Dr. Downey for putting yourself out there to help others.”


“Dr. Downey’s podcast on codependency is a refreshing dive into a topic many of us can relate to. Her candid storytelling and insights into her own journey with codependency make the episode not just relatable but also eye-opening. It’s like chatting with a friend who gets it. From struggles with boundaries to seeking extermal validation, she covers it with honesty and warmth’


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